公司引进了德国VEM公司1.5MW~2.0MW双馈异步风力发电机生产技术。这种风力发电机设计先进、结构紧凑,安全可靠,系目前我国风电市场的主力机型之一。 该系列机型设计严谨,工艺保证措施严格。 发电机结构紧凑,重量轻,噪声小,效率高。 采用箱式结构,空-空冷却方式。 定、转子均采用少胶真空压力浸漆(VPI)工艺,电气强度和机械强度高。 The 1.5~2.0 MW double-fed asynchronous wind power generator is technology transferred from VEM of Germany. Having the advantages of advanced design, economic size and good reliability and safety, it is one of the main models of wind power market in China. Perfect design and rigorous manufacture Compact configuration, less weight, low noise, high efficiency Adopting a trunk configuration and air-air cooling Stator and rotor are adopted the technology of resin VPI, both of electrical and mechanical capabilities are rather good.